dear brothers sisters palestine

taman-taman syurga *gambaran duniawi
yesterday, after 4 rakaat terawih,we have a short talk or tazkirah often, but yesterday  were really had a special tazkirah for us
it is.......... JENG JENG JENG
I'm not remember his name, sorry my bad, but for sure the tazkirah delivered by a man from GAZA,  have 2 children and a wife but he cant visit them as now at Gaza have a big war *we(para jemaah) start to burst into tears
seriously, it so pathetic, to hear the story from a  person  who really deal with that kind of situation it so touching, you know? we are muslims, so we are siblings, 
of course, when our sibling feel the pain we could feel it too
"tidak sempurna, iman seseorang, jika tidak mencitai saudaranya, sepertimana mencintai diri sendiri, itulah makna hidup berteman" *walaupun mcm tak kena,  but still you got my point right? haha

then, he told us about his friend, 
so oneday his friend get a call from 'army', then they told him that within a several minute they will bomb his house where his family inside there, then he immediately try to called his parents, family member to remind them to run away from that house , but he cant contact his family so he run back to his house, unfortunately,he a little bit late 
then what he saw?
he just see  blood here and there, his house was destroy, and all his family gone
then one of my favourite quotes, he said
"they can kill our children, women, and our family but we will not kill their family, their children, women, because we are muslim" -GAZAIANS-
subhanallah, how beautiful Islam isn't it?
betapa indah dan mulia islam itu, 
our prophet taught us to defend our deen, to protect the honour of Islam, but not TO KILL PEOPLE, that Islam, and
 last quote is
"we are born to die for Islam, for Allah"

but different in Malaysia, we are born to get 4flat, to become engineer *deep deep
jom muhasabah
then we end our tazkirah with doa for our siblings in Gaza, yeah we cried and cried, ihope that oneday i can step on the earth of Gaza, i want them to know that we're all muslim around the world really care about them, we want join them together to fight for Islam, Allahuakbar
well, in KK12 theres a lot of foreigner here, so Alhamdulilah, we have our sibling from china, palestine and some more other country
i hope we could be more aware about our sibling out there ya muslims

(SORRY FOR MY BROKEN ENGLISH) *practise make perfect

ramadhan kareem RIFQOH'14

Alhamdulilah Allah pertemukan aku dengan bulan Ramadhan yg penuh berkat dan rahmat
jadi jom rebut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redha Allah menjadi sasaran utama kita ya para muslimin dan muslimat
memang tak dinafikan, masa nak study agak terhad bagi aku yg tak suka stay-up sampai 2-3 pagi, so lepas terawih terus buat revison, kehkehkeh
so apa pendapat prof tentang 'berpuasa' sebagai seorang mahasiswi ?
poyonyee bunyii
memandangkan ana *sat ana sat aku sat prof
Naib Timbalan CANSELOR Biro Multimedia Dan Publisiti program ihya Ramadhan 2014
agak sibuk dgn poster sana-sini, pembikinan video, saksikan tayangan di pawagam yg berdekatan
so its my job to inform to all residents in KK-12 about our program, the more the merrier right?
but~~~~~~~~~ am a little bit upset, well, before this, girls team (ajk) held a program what we called 
 andddddddd guess what ? only one saf attend that program
hmm hmm hmm
ana husnuzon "ooh maybe mereka letih baru habis kelas" *tapi aku pun same,yg dtg ni pun same
"ooh mugkin mereka dah balik?" *program pkul 12.30 noon jumaat, takkan habis kelas terus balik kot? haaaaiiihhhhhhh
Allah Maha Mengetahui, but I still thanked "Alhamdulilah" at least one saf right ? :'))))) *sobs sobs sobs
okay skip
btw rindu sgt suasana puasa di MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA PENGKALAN HULU
ya Allah, sangat indah kau tau? escpecially time berbuka, sahur sama-sama, qiamulail, pergi bazaar dengan ahli homeroom, arghhhhhhhhhhh
okay last but not least, mari kita hidupkan ramadhan kita dengan amal soleh :))
selamat berpuasa, *enjoy the photos!
 qiamulail di masjid Akademi Pengajian Islam

 bubur lambuk
 yg baju oren tu pengarah RIFQOH *salam perkenalan

slot sitrul aurah

 hasil karya para peserta bagi pertandingan tulisan khat

 pengetua KK12

muslimah yang cemerlang

para muslim yang terbilang *ecewah

gimik perasmian program RIFQOH'14

nyanyian lagu UM

timbalan pengarah program RIFQOH (kak azmina) dan Penasihat program (Dr. Syarifah)

this is our team, tulang belakang program RIFQOH yang diadakan selama sebulan, Alhamdulilah everything ease, thank you to Allah

saksikan video pembukaan RIFQOH'14


Abah, My Hero

sempena Hari jadi abah yg ke-56, aku nak buat special post untuk abah,  tak ingat aku bila kali terakhir aku ckp psl abah kt dlm ...